TinyBox - A Frontend for TinyWeb


TinyBox is a freeware GUI frontend for TinyWeb. It does not make any sense to use this program without TinyWeb (tiny.exe). If you use this program you agree to the licence. TinyWeb is a small webserver written by Maxim Masiutin.


  • Start and Stop TinyWeb (not CTRL-ALT-DEL ;-) )
  • Configuration and Storage of 'Projects' (name of project, root directory, start(log) directory, port)
  • Creation of an index.html file in the root directory (3 options, automatically if wanted)
  • Viewing the LOG files

New in TinyBox 1.1

  • Viewing the LOG files - while TinyWeb is running
  • Sizeable LOG-file window - Size is stored between sessions
  • Keyboard shortcuts for almost all functions
  • Helpful tooltips on almost all controls
  • A default port can be specified (i.e. 443)
  • Portnumbers now may be changed manually or by UP/Down arrow keys +/-1 and PAGEUP/PAGEDOWN keys +/-100, not any longer by the slow and unhandy Up-Down buttons


  • Port numbers greater than 999 now are handled correctly
  • The root directory now may contain whitespaces
  • TinyBox now recognizes if TinyWeb exits on error (or user action)
  • The windows now will scale correctly to the dpi count of the display
  • The Trayicon Popup Menu now will hide properly
  • The Bind Address now will be used


TinyBox 1.1 (c) 2000 - 2002 by Ralph Becker    tinybox.zip   June 6 2002   234.235 Bytes


Copy tinybox.exe into the directory where tiny.exe is. Then start tinybox.exe. After the startup window disappeared or you clicked 'OK', you will see an icon in the taskbar near the clock and the main window of TinyBox. If you are not familiar with TinyWeb please read the documentation of TinyWeb.

If you did not put tinybox.exe into the directory where TinyWeb is, you will be prompted to locate it. Navigate to the directory where 'tiny.exe' is, select it and then press 'Open'. Now you will be able to run and stop TinyWeb with this program. Select a root directory and a start directory. If no index.html is found in the root directory you will be asked if want to create one. If Yes then choose one of the build-in html-generating possibilities or create it by yourself. Save it as index.html in the root directory. Then run Tinyweb. Test your pages and/or CGIs. If you want to view the log-files click 'View Logs' in the main window, or choose 'Logs' in rightclick popupmenu of the taskbar icon.

You can store your settings as a project. To use the current settings click 'Add' and enter a name for the project. To create a new project from scratch click 'New'. To edit or delete a project select the project in the projects box and click the appropriate button.

To exit TinyBox right-click the icon in the taskbar and choose 'Exit'. To change the TinyWeb application path, hide the main window if visible, choose 'About' in the right-click menu, press CTRL-ALT keys and click 'Ok' in the About box. Hint: Tinyssl.exe is also supported.

Note that only this instance of TinyWeb can be stopped which was started with TinyBox. So if an instance of TinyWeb is running and you start TinyBox you can not stop the running instance of TinyWeb. Note also that TinyBox can only run one instance of TinyWeb, which is able to run several instances on different ports.


If you have any questions, remarks or proposals for improvements, please feel free to contact me.

Ralph Becker    EMail: ralph.becker.privat@web.de

Page was last updated on 6/6/2002.